Acharya Nagarjuna Supplementary Examination for Degree
I am by direction to inform you that applications are invited from eligible candidates those who failed/not appeared in earlier batches of common core practical examinations to be held in July, 2014 i.e. from 18-07-2014 to 25-07-2014. The following is the schedule for payment of Practical examination fee and receipt of applications.
Date of Commencement of Practicals from 18-07-20 14 to 25-07-20 14
The following are the practical examinations fee particulars for payment of examination fee for June/July – 2014 Advanced Supplementary Degree examinations along with through On-Line Challan in examination fee A/c No: 30908794589
1. For One paper Practical exam Rs. 1000=00
2. For Two or Three papers practical exam Rs.2000=00
3. If more than three papers each Rs. 750=00
The filled applications should be submitted through the Principals of the Colleges at Exams Centres on or before 17-07-20 14.
The following are the examination centers be fixed to conduct practical exams.
1. For Guntur District Colleges -Govt. Degree College for Women, Guntur
2. For Prakasam District Colleges -C.S.R. Sarma College, Ongole
3. For Krishna District Colleges -SRR & CVR Govt. Degree College, Vijayawada
The Entitlement amount to be paid to the Colleges is fixed as Rs. 100/- to each practical to each student. The Principals of the Practical examination centers are requested to claim the entitlement amount after completion of the practical exams.
The Principals of concerned Colleges are requested to conduct the Practicals and send to awards to C.T.A., U.G. Exams/Coordinator, UG Exams after completion of practical exams of June/July 2014.
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